. >> host: richard seymour, how well do your books do in the u.s., and have you done a book tour there? >> guest: i have done a book tour. my books don't sell in the u.s.. "unhitched," is the first to get attention in the american press at all. thus far, mixed. the "washington post" review, obviously, was i don't think the reviewer liked it, denver post more positive, but that's the first time i've had any coverage in the american press. the only book tour i've done in america was for "american insurgents," and i did a tour of the sort of the east coast going from dc to philadelphia, boston, and new york, but it was a case of presenting the book to left wing activists. i'm going to america in april. i'll be doing a book tour, again, up the east coast, talking to as many audiences, and large an audience as i can attract. i expect them to be bigger this time because of the interest in hitchens is fairly broad, and so i'm looking forward to it. >> host: finally, richard seymour, you mentioned that you had been a member of the socialist workers party, but recently resigned from that. why?