right now richard stallman you're known for developing and promoting free software and you approach softwareas somebody approaching a box of crayons it's a toolset that anyone should have access to to create any manner of things on the web and the impediment to this has been copyright copyright actually i don't agree but first of all it's not just a matter of creating something it's a matter of having control over the software you use if you use something to do a practical job if people use a work to do a practical job those people deserve to have control over the work they are using and that includes software because software is a work that's made for doing practical jobs with so free software is the software that's controlled by its users and in order for the users to have that control they need the four essential freedoms freedom zero is the freedom to run the program however you wish freedom one is the freedom to study the source code and change it so the program does your computing the way you wish these two freedoms give each individual control one user at a time but that's not enough