richard sykes stated that housing costs are almost double in deep blue markets than they are in red markets27 per square foot 119. and he said that red states have done a better job of offering a higher standard of living relative to housing costs, and he says that inequality has grown the fastest in the states with blue, more vibrant economies. new york, connecticut, massachusetts and california. however, the last line of the piece reads, the red state-blue state divide threatens to kill the real american dream. with us, the director of the institute at the school of management from miami. and richard, you read this piece, and you might get the impression that you are saying that red states do a better job. housing is cheaper, and standard of living is better but you're arguing that the future really lies in these blue states. tell us about this. >> ali, what i wanted to understand is why red states clean the proverbial clock in the midterm elections. people don't know their interests, and what's the matter with kansas? everybody is a dummy and they're voting for the red states, and i thou