(richard sylbert) they had huge departments.in the days of the 30's everything was studio structure everybody worked for the studio. harry cohn at columbia, not only saw dailies, he knew how to look at dailies. (allen daviau) the first thing they looked at was how the stars looked. the cinematographer was under a great deal of pressure to deliver mood, to deliver drama, to deliver all the texture that the story demanded and at the same time keep the stars looking as good as the studio expected them to look. a strong structure watched over the technique of the pictures and enforced certain rules. (richard sylbert) one thing about the old system was that you actually designed the entire movie. you made all these choices. it was a world you created. it wasn't a world you went out and found. (narrator) it was the director on the set who orchestrated each craft in the storytelling process -- scripting, costume, production, lighting, camera movement, editing, acting -- supported by an army of experts working together to achieve the mo