we're joined by richard wolff, visiting professor at the new school. his name is richard wolff. professor, welcome. >> thank you very much. stuart: look, i'm a child of the 1960s. i went to the london school of economics which in those days was pure marxism. marxism went out of fashion. the word socialism went out of fashion. but i think it is back. why is it back? >> it es an old story. socialism is in a way the shadow of capitalism. nothing guaranties the future of socialism as much as capitalism because socialism is capitalism is self-crittism. every economic system has people love it and people that don't. they had a debate. we would have had it last 30 years if it weren't taboo, cold war, getting where we should have been, have a debate. strengths and weaknesses of capitalism, strengths and weaknesses of socialism. stuart: when i was studying marxism back in the 1960s we -- >> you survived. stuart: laws the die electric of history propelled us toward the inevitable prletarate revolution. do you that i the a revolution is around the corner america.