richard, sit pack and relax and enjoy my argument. the last time there was any real good news in the airline industry is when the wright brothers had aitable, as you know, for years, losing about $50 billion in the last decade just here in the united states. and that's the airlines that exist. that's starting to change, as you just mentioned, though. while anything that potentially reduces competition, like mergers, seems bad, airlines need these mergers as a way to cut costs and make more money. now, ultimately making money allows the airlines to expand and buy new planes and fly new routes. whether we're talking the legacy airlines here in the states, for instance, like delta, continental, united, u.s. airways and american or the newer, smaller, generally more nimble discount carriers like jetblue and southwest, almost all airlines at some point or another will resort to the same tricks that we passengers despise. extra fees, richard. they know it makes us mad, they do it because they can and in some cases because they have to to make money. bottom line, richard, it's tough for airlines to have a positive bottom line and until the