i'm richelle cary, and for updates from around the world go to www.aljazeera.com. >> an u.s. district court judge has ruled that virginia's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. it's only the latest case on the federal appeals court using the reasoning of the supreme court to up end state laws, and it is the inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. after the northeast, the west coast and several great lakes opened the way to same-sex marriage you wouldn't have picked the next dates on the list. utah, oklahoma, virginia. two of the reddest states on the map, and deep purple bell weather. in kentucky a federal judge ruled the state cannot deny the validity of same sex marriages performed in other states. so kentucky's own ban on such marriages for now is untouched but that appeals court decision put pressure on the widespread practice of refusing to recognize a married couple from let's say massachusetts if that couple moves to take up new jobs in missouri. but federal circuit that includes virginia also colors north carolina, south carolina, and west virginia. if the co