so detective zach johnson's attention turns to sonnier's girlfriend, richelle shetina. >> meeting with richelle that very first time i don't know a lot about her. >> did you ever have a time where you suspected that been involved in dr. sonnier's death? >> you always have to consider people the closest because 90% of the time it's going to be the people that are closest to our victims that committed crime against them. >> reporter: the police take richelle in for questioning. she's on the hot seat, and she starts naming names. >> there's just, you know, some girls that he dated. and joseph would get these horrible text messages, you know, calling him [ bleep ]. you know, you're such a [ bleep ], whatever. >> reporter: when "20/20" returns. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom lactaid . 100% real milk. no discomfort not all wrinkles are the same. some wrinkles, like the vertical