locations december 7tt the westportal city brink branch december 7th, 11:00 to 1:00 at the inner richmond city bank branch. and december 14th at the city bank branch and also on decembeo 1:00 at the china town city bank branch. inclusive schools week is december 2nd through 6th this year. join san francisco unified school district sites across the district in celebrating inclusive schools week. by engaging in discussions about the importance of inclusion and by participating in exclusive schools week we can help to make all marginalized students and family feel included each one. it's one of the weeks during the school year when we can reflect on our charge to assist students to be the best version of themselves. this year's national inclusive schools week theme is charting the course for i for inclusion a requirement for achieving greater access, equitable opportunities and more authentic relationships. at the same time, most of us recognize that we can take more steps to reach our goal of fully inclusive schools. contact your school today to see what they're planning and how you can help. parent