very excited to have him here at richmond steags. we spend a lot of time at the community meet skhgs we do a lot of work. ashley handles our district work at sunshine and even though we're not on the sexy side of town where a lot of important things are happening we do have needs out here and i appreciate you making sure that you pay attention to the washington, d.c. i want to thank all of you for what you do and hopefully we will get a new class into the academy soon so we can start beefing up the police force because a lot of these guys sitting in front of you aren't going to be here in three years. >> thanks very much. if you pass on the message that we'd like some state funding i you would greatly appreciate it. while you're here? any further public comment? hearing no further public comment, public comment is now close. >> i just want to say anytime i come to a community meeting and someone doesn't show up to complain about an incident involving the police, i just want to say congratulations. i have gone to meetings where they'v