flflasash h foforwrwarard d - - mimiltltonon''s recipe is reimagined inintoto b bututteteryry r ricich,h, s smomoototh, surprisingly soft crÈmes. itit''s s lalancncasasteter.r. itit''s s cacararamemel l rereimimagaginineded. whwhatat a arere y youou d doioingng? ? athlete's foot! atathlhletete'e's s fofootot c canan be embarassing. lotrimin u ultltrara r relelieieves the itching , burning and cracking toto c curure e atathlhletete'e's s foot , and embarrassment,too. ooooooooh!h! geget t ulultrtra.a. l lototririmimin ultra. yoyou'u'rere w welelcocomeme.. ugh...you're the valet? yea, sorta the valet. bobothth d dririveve f foror a a l living, bobothth l likike e toto s savavee money on car insurance and we both know you may not get ththisis c carar b bacack k inin the same condition. watch your toes. wowo! ! yaya b boyoy..... . geget t itit! sosortrta a yoyou u isisn'n't t yoyou.u. wiwithth d dririvevesesensnse e frfromom esurance, yoyou u cacan n eaearnrn a a pepersrsonalized discount babasesed d onon h howow y youou d dririve nonot t hohow w sosomemeononee sorta like you drives. yoyou'