presentation by rihanna albert rather than rick appleby, and the second for item cc, should read requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with edgewood center for children and families to provide family caregiver support, kinship program, during a period of july 1, 2018, to june 30, 2021, in the amount of $171,417, plus 10% contingency for total amount not to exceed $188,558. dates and the amounts have been modified. so, with those two changes, may i have a motion to approve the agenda? >> so moved. >> second? >> second. >> thank you. all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? thank you. item 3, approval of the may 2, 2018 meeting minutes. motion to approve? >> so moved. >> do i have a second? >> second. >> thank you. any comments or questions? any comments or questions from the public? hearing none, call the question all in favor, aye. any opposed? thank you, the motion carries. next item is the director's report. >> good morning, commissioners. so, i'll just start by saying maybe you did not know but we had an election yesterday. and so while we, the results are not in for ever