what are the issues that you think should be we peeled, rick berg?held dozens of dozen -- i held dozens and dozens of committees. people had all kinds of views. the facts are clear. we had 150,000 voters lose 10% of their income. with health-care costs going up and doing nothing to cover tens of thousands of additional north dakotans. there is a strong consensus that action needs to be done and this is from the front line of health care. north dakota doctors, nurses, hospitals. i am pleased that the north dakota medical association supported this bill clearly -- this bill. doctors support this bill in this election. we had problems that we need to address. we need to address them. >> there is no issue that defines this campaign more than the health care bill. york one to hear a lot of facts and twisted things. there are three things that concern me with this health care bill. first, over 7% of the people in north dakota did not -- 70% of the people in north dakota did not support this bill. second, the way we do things in north dakota, we have public