dave koss plays on it, rick braun. it is mostly intimate. tavis: i'm glad you said that. got the project. i heard that great an interest to hear these two tracks live. i-40 for the cd. it is what i love most about you, what your hard-core fans like most about you, that you can make it work with a lot of production, but you can also make it work with just your voice and just this acoustic sound. that is what makes it so beautiful, that you are just as good stripped-down as you are with all the production. that is a wonderful gift. old, 20-30 51 years records later, i think i also like when i'm sitting at home and i'm playing -- i like the simple, the stripped-down stuff, as opposed to -- my band is real small. i don't have horns or two keyboard players. i don't use tracks. a lot of artists use tracks with their shows so they can sound full. -- i likeople kind of to hear people just play. the guitar, that's it. tavis: everybody knows i'm a big fan. can i put you on the spot? i'm putting you on the spot, but also, you can perceive this as a warm-up. just to make this point a