so i see it very differently than rick. >> warner: mr. burt, senator kyle said the same. he particularly pointed to modernization so, there wasn't enough time to resolve the thorny issue there's. first of all, what what's he talking about? and secondly, does he have a point? >> okay. really two or three quick points. first of all, jim suggests in a way that if it went into a lame duck session that the treaty really hasn't been examined carefulfully. and it clearly has. there have been over 20 briefings of the congress, the senate on the treaty. there have been over 900 questions answered. in fact, this treaty has undergone as much examination as the treaty i helped negotiate in 1991. and it's interesting that senator kyle is focusing on nuclear modernization, rather than potential pit falls in the treaty itself. because i think most of the arguments against the treaty are essentially bogus. what senator kyle is focusing on is the question of whether or not we are spending enough on our nuclear weapons complex to keep it safe, reliable, secure and effective. and here i thi