a group of people driving a confederate flags made threats and used racial slurs against after rick caan americans -- african americans. >> are you serious? i didn't know -- boo. attendants as they take a woman off the plane. a passenger says there was a miscommunication between a woman and flight attend and. after the woman complained about rude treatment she was' forced off. investigating what happened there. >> also on 7 a ward robe change for play boy" magazine. the company says it's time to cover up. it's planning to stop publishing pictures of nude women changing the way they have done business for decades. from the start play boy" magazine was a play book for social change credited with hipping to urber in the sexual revolution of the 50s and 60s publishing nude photos of models and movie stars becoming an iconic brand. >> i don't think that any other magazine in the 20th century had more influence on america and the world. and that is a wild position to be in. >> that position changed dramatically and so is the magazine. announcing it'll eliminate the nude photo spreads that make