rick clemmer has made his investors so much money over the years, that this qualcomm deal, i'm callingit icing on the cake. that's why i'm ard waing clemmer a place on the wall of fame, both to salute him for success and, more important, to show you what great management really looks like so you can spot it when someone else is doing a good job. just remember, we're interested not just in celebrating but in making money going forward. the nxp semi of today makes chips for cell phones although they've also got exposure to some of the hottest areas in tech like the connected car, the internet of things, cybersecurity. in fact, this company is the leading supplier of chips for the lucrative automobile market, which is why call com was so eager to snap it up. by the way, of course nvidia had that too in spades. but here's the thing. this is not what nxp semi looked like a few years ago, and that gets to the genius of clemmer. under his leadership, this company has constantly been innovating and transforming itself, which is how a stock that five years ago was trading at just $15 gets $110