german media goes after ambassador rick grenell.headlines, trump's ambassador finds few friends in germany. rick grenell attempted to interfere in domestic politics, he's become isolated in the german cap cal. do you have no friends? do you need a visit? >>> i think there's a very good argument to be made that president obama was wildly popular in germany. >> laura: you think? >>> but the german government killed his testimony. tip, ttip, they didn't return the nazi prison card. >> laura: ttip is the trade deal >>> obama's signature trade deal. the nazi prison guard, the obama administration asked for a very long time to have him returned. we've been asking for a very long time for defense spending to be raised and the north stream two pipeline which was all started under president obama. i think the tough talk from president trump is working something she liked a weaker united states. they loved a weaker united states >>> we want a stronger relationship, we're forming it, be pushing and trying to get both sides. >> laura: i'm glad