to a situation as referenced by rick with one of the largest achievement gaps along racial line or zip codes in our type of community. however you want to describe it. haaseality in connecticut. we have high, high, and low, low. in many cases they are ab adjoining zip codes. so we needed to do something about that. we needed to hold ourselves as governmental entities accountable for what we were doing on a state level, on a local jurisdictional level, both on by the leaders of political leaders of noneducation government as well as by the leaders of the education government that economists in the state of connecticut. and in to that, we have moved rather rapidly. i have to also say at the outset i'm eni have use of teachers. their ability to impact on an intergenerational basis young people in the families of those young people ultimately will raise is an unbelievable gift many have accepted as their calling. and although we may not none ever us are perfect. the reality is that the state of connecticut is filled with teachers who are working very, very hard to get it right. and a point of fact, are demonstrating a willingness to change that method of pre