in the interview rick harrison of points. rick harrison as a part time job as a point pole dancer over there sanity for marion bartoli. well and portfolios well he's a pawn star so he runs a massive pawn chain and he has four thousand customers a day just alone in his last vegas shop so here is what he was asked by c. and b. c. what he thought of the falling price of gold is business different where you are because of what's going on. here i also retail a lot of gold and silver and i'm having a real difficult time right now getting physical battle. it's the crazy world of gold and silver sometimes you know the paper market it's going down but you can actually find the actual physical ardor but that's another aspect of the wash trade of gold price suppression if you want interest rates low and you want the price of the dollar to be simultaneously again wash trading over. different asset classes price of gold to be lower and as this gentleman points out from pawn stars that the demand for gold has never been higher but the pric