my name is rick hutchinson. i'm the ceo at city car share. i want to thank you, by the way, supervisor cohen, for pulling together this hearing today. i think it's been very enlightening. i did want to make a couple comments about car sharing and about some of what i would call misnomers out there. first of all, model does matter, it really does. there's multiple models out there. they meet different needs and they do different things. it doesn't mean that they are competing against each other necessarily. so, in order to meet the needs of our citizens, of visitors to the city, there is a place for a lot of different options out there. one of the things that a city needs to decide -- and this is based on a philosophy of what car sharing is meant to do -- the city needs to decide what its goals are, what its objectives are. environmental goals, congestion goals, land use goals, equity goals are all important. and, therefore, before the city make policy, before it determines whether to give away the public right-of-way to any of us, it needs to