i think this is -- i also think that sex is a very powerful thing as rick james might have said. [laughter] someone got the reference. anyway, and man, in particular, as we know -- and i am certainly not pretending otherwise about myself -- sex is a very powerful drive. it has made me do lots of stupid things, and had lots of amazing experiences. it is crazy to think that sex -- it is an astonishing mystery. there is something that we also know. if we give into it too much, we learned this over millennia, it can hurt us. it can lead to the spread of viruses and disease, emotional isolation, and lack of self- worth. you can to give yourself purely as a sexual object. it can lead to compulsive sexual behavior. it is such a powerful force in human nature, especially for men, i think. we need some kind of social institution to give status to commitment. i think, in a strange kind of way, this is particularly true for a game men. we are all men. we do not even have women to give us hell when we come home having done something really stupid. we do not have women in our relationships to