elahe izadi, staff correspondent at the national journal, and rick newman, finance columnist at yahoo! and author of "rebounders: how winners pivot from setback to success." nice to have you all at the table. rick, i want to start with you. that same poll i just quoted is i think a fascinating poll result. they ask whether or not americans wanted to just fire everyone in congress and replace them with new folks. 60% of americans said, yep, that sounds like a good deal. does that mean the zombies have won, if people are at this point just disgusted with government overall, does that mean republicans, no matter what happens on debt ceiling, have won? >> there is a tactic if you make the entire government look terrible, it will create more momentum to shrink the government and that's what some of these young turks are after. i think it's back firing, because what happens when the government shuts down is we start to realize what the government doesn't do and we say, wait a minute, we want the government to do these things. we want it to go out and patrol, you know, food-borne illness. it