you're -- it's words that are common that go missing a lot for you and this happens to our friend rick o'brien all day long, he can't remember the name of the stuff we use, the thing i drink water from, what's that called. a glass? yeah. so that's happening. you bring that to your doctor. that's concerning. if you lose your keys and your phone, like that's probably an attention problem, a distraction problem, not a memory problem. but if you find your keys or your phone and you think what do i do with this? what is this for? whey do i need this? -- why do i need this? or if you suddenly are like i don't know how to work this, you have that glitch moment, that's different than just misplacing it due to attention most likely. people talk about like, oh, i can't remember where i parked my car. that's normal and, again, likely an attention issue. it's something more concerning, like, as our friend greg o'brien will not recognize his car. he'll be standing in front of it, and it won't compute to his brain that that belongs to him, or he won't remember how he got there. over and over again they walk