louisville basketball coach rick pitino's 2013 looks like the dream that never ends.e won the national championship, co-owned a horse that won two legs of the triple crown, -- now he has a bottle with his own picture on it. you can find him on a limited edition of makers mark bourbon. inte the tradition louisville. bottles go on sale later this week. the estimated $500,000 raised from the promotion will go to louisville's academic center of excellence. you might want to also add a disclaimer that louisville does not necessarily support mixing academics with bourbon, even if bourbon helps support academics. a little know they might want to put on the back of the bottle. asit is the same bourbon always, but with rick pitino's picture. >> i thought they were doing barbecue. >> you would think that. [laughter] . up next withus the seven-day forecast. >> of all the days of the year, today -- >> we already said today is the pinnacle. tomorrow will be almost there. 78 degrees. we are cresting the top here tomorrow. a few high and thin clouds. thursday, clouds increase, showe