do cow call them guys and ask them -- >> rick ross, i'm the biggest fan.oss because he says my name and he always puts an "st" at the end of it. >> jimmy: how is that? >> he says, foxxst. but the way i get them, i promise them they are going to be in movies. >> jimmy: and have you come through on any of the movies promises? >> i'm waiting for the movies to get written. >> jimmy: i want to see you and martin lawrence in dresses sitting at lunch. >> or god forbid we are mad. didn't i tell you -- oh, my breast, breast lady, please. double-stick tape please. women go through that. >> jimmy: you are doing a stretch comedy show. >> got a sketch comedy show. anybody want some jokes, want some laughs? [ applause ] >> jimmy: will you be on the show? >> i will be on the show here and there. i found a great talent. athion crockett. by next year, you will be clapping and know. he is a genius. and jonathan kipe. a young lady named bresia miles. and listen, we go for it. when you see me dressed as mo'nique, and mariah carey and gabby sidibe. rewith going. and you say, h