that is rick rubin 101, you know?, son, and you know i what i'm stopping you for? because, i'm young, black, my hat is real low. ♪ >> what jay-z represented is that you could have real longevity in hip-hop. for the longest time, your cabin the center of the world in hip-hop. the south, for the most part, hadn't really made itself hurt. you know? and that source to change in the 2000, and you are getting outcast, and outcast is amazing. >> ♪ ♪ >> outcast became the rap beatles, because we found both but particularly andre, becoming more obsessed with a kind of adventurous landscape of music. >> ♪ yeah, i'm afraid, like i'm scared as a dog-- ♪ >> serious hip-hop knew about outkast, but they came out with an album, bob, and they come out with a song called hey-ya. >> ♪ i know for sure. >> it is barely a hip-hop song really, i'm not sure what it is, but it's this kind of frothy 60s like, sounds like something that moe time might have put out in young america. >> ♪ 28 hey-ah hey-ah . ♪ >> next thing you know, everyone is s