parent of somebody in the military i'm a little reluctant when i've seen all of the mistakes even rick runninger admitted this commander in chief has made serious blunders as commander in chief i'm not sure i want to give him all that much more power over what happens to my son. >> and actually that's why i think that this has less to do with declaring his war powers and having a conversation with congress and sort of delineating what is the obama doctrine because up until now it has been these half measures and ultimately mass what is going to put people in harm's way whether our military or civilians at home. if we don't make choices about what it is that we're doing and trying to accomplish we're going to be leaving ourselves in much more danger. >> rick, i know you're upset because john is stealing all of your thunder but go ahead. >> look, i have to agree with my good friend rich. look, you can't first of all you don't get to decide when you have to do something when the situation requires it. you guys may not like obama, he's your president, he's the one who has to do it, that's physical o