this movement -- [applause] you know, it started the day after rick santelli had his rant, and it's allbout the spending. just like the title of this panel, it's the spending, stupid. i mean, we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. [applause] and what american families across this country are having to sit down at their kitchen tables and balance their budgets and cut back to make ends meet, why is it that our federal government, our congress is up here and our president is up here with our credit card just charging, charging, charging? it needs to stop, and it needs to stop now. [cheers and applause] and you and i, we're the ones that are going to stop it. look, the fact of the matter is that if you truly want to effect change, you need to change the players. [applause] you cannot leave these people here and expect them to do something different because they've proven over and over again they just don't get it. >> here, here. [applause] >> so, you know, we can have rallies until the end of time, rallies, gatherings, whatever, but at the end of the day if you truly