governor rick synder grilled by congress today. some calling for him to resign. our cameras right there with the head of the epa, under fire for allegedly not moving quickly enough, after learning of the dangers. "usa today" went back four years, reporting about 350 water systems across america, failing tests, some of them, dozens of times. abc's mary bruce tonight with the camera rolling, getting answers again. >> you need to take some responsibility because you screwed up. >> reporter: tonight, the blame game erupting on capitol hill. >> what does accountability look like for you? >> reporter: democrating laying into michigan governor rick synder over the water crisis in flint. >> you were completely missing in action. that's not leadership. do you think? >> i was not missing in action, congressman. >> reporter: the governor acknowledging mistakes. >> i should have asked tougher questions, i should have done more. >> reporter: but for many, that's not enough. >> and there you are, dripping with guilt, but drawing your paycheck. >> reporter: i asked the governor