when the door closed, he turned to rickenbacher, grinned, and said i can keep this shit up in july ande kept it up much longer. but he senses when he is no longer a literally an infant. out of the blue, here came a kid pulling the same stunts he had pulled in college, only he was doing it in high school. bill may have thought even then, maybe i have found another means. the rest of the book, and the next 4 years of my life, have 3 movements which are already there in the opening that i read you. the first of these movements is a portrait of a remarkable account by a young man. one of the reasons for doing this book is we are losing bill a bit. his tv show went off the air in 1999. becoming media conscious after that, no longer know who he is. my wife and i go out to dinner lot so waiters and waitresses are all kids, they don't know, they would certainly have known in 1990, 1980, 1975, of course they know who bill buckley was even if they never read national review, just because he was out there imitating him. as happens to every figure of the media, part of him has passed. he will in d