does his ricky henderson impression. he would later score on the sacrifice fly. tyler clifford.iving stop. smith to end the game. 2-0 the final. first time the as have beaten hernandezen oakland. trailing by one. chris davis things he tied with a home run. and garcia comes up with the fantastic catch. going over the wall. the white sox hang on to win. 3-2. wow. talk about great grabs. fenway park. panda on the prowl. high foul ball. sandoval, tracks it down. makes the grab before going over the rail. snaps the five-gail winning streak. 6-1. warriors are sharing the spoils of victory letting each player have quality time with the nba championship trophy. today harrison barnes turn. chose to take it to ames iowa to share it with the friend he grew up with. >> that's really special. the people in ames. supported me. people in iowa support me since day one. back when we were, getting bounced, and winning state championships. and the nba. nice to finally hit that, highest point. in your sport. come back to your home town and be able to celebrate it. one of the most sought after agent