i knew there was only two exits on ridgeland avenue.o, as i was following their trucks to these roads, i radioed to my backup to close those two exits so they would be trapped in the subdivision here. >> he follows the suspects into a cul-de-sac where he knows there's no way out. he has them cornered, but he also has created a dangerous situation. >> if i'm at 6:00, they were at 12:00, and their car was right in between those two trees, so i could see them and they could see me. they had stopped at this point. i was by myself, but i knew that the time had come that they were going to have to make a decision what they were going to do. they began pulling around towards me. i thought they would try to go past me, so i kind of pulled like this to block their way out, and then that's when they pulled in the driveway here to your right. when they pulled into this driveway, they just pulled up like they were going to pull into that center garage door, and then i pulled my vehicle like this and angled it so i had a little bit of shielding in c