and you could go in ridgeway verner's play in the water they were running wave runners and we got paid by the hour to do it i was told this don't question and enjoy it several government agencies are currently invest. gating of halliburton overcharge for work already completed in iraq. and i had five star meals catered to him every day it was so lavish oros the vegetable platters beef platters fish platters cost plus contracts k.b.r. looked at it the more money we spend that's more money we get our pockets we have made over there compared to military when those guys were living in tents and we had our condition private which is the telephone we were staying on were completely malty everybody was getting sick well thrust the transactions are getting paid millions of dollars why can't even give us attempt. to look when. the soldiers are sleeping mom these little cars in the middle of the desert one of these k.b.r. executives are driving these forty thousand dollars vehicles they and their secretaries are driving at least a thirty to forty thousand dollars vehicle with everything imaginab