. -- riefy. i looked it up. reify is the confusion of a concept with reality. that is the word everyone was using in afghanistan. we were confusing a concept with reality. it sounds so great at the podium at the pentagon, but not in afghanistan. >> do not believe it? are they consciously misleading the american people? >> we are in an election cycle. sometimes elections make for bad strategy. >> co back to the checks and balances. congress has been over there. did you run into any members of congress? >> i did not. i did spend some time with some people out of holbrook's office. we are missing parts. we would send money out but we cannot send people to oversee its. usaid was given an enormous amount of money but they had virtually no staff people to oversee its. at one point, each staffer was overseeing $27.5 million worth of contracts. locally they were ever seen $1.2 million. it was a war zone. you cannot even look at the project without having a big military exports. we did not have any soldiers there. it was tough to oversee it. i was in one meeting where t