the duke of courlande and of the cities of riga, ravel, and mitau. oh, very good. i shall ask the lot. that's all? get down the hatch. what's your name, number four? prince of podolia. what's your income? i'm bankrupt. take that for disobedience. now get down the hatch. number five, what's your name? margrave of thorn, count palatine of pollock. that's not very much. are you sure that's all you are? it's been good enough for me. well, it's better than nothing, i suppose. get down the hatch. what's eating you, ma ubu? you're too bloodthirsty, pa ubu. i'm getting rich. now i'm going to have him read out the list of what i've got. registrar, read out my list and my titles and possessions. count of sandomir, count... the princedoms first, stupid bugger. princedom of podolia, grand-duchy of posen, duchy of courlande, county of sandomir, county of vitepsk, palatinate of pollock, margravate of thorn. - go on. - that's the lot. what do you mean that's the lot? oh, well, i'm going to make some laws next. hmm, that will be worth watching. i shall begin by reforming the judic