what riggins all, freakin''s organizing philosophy was freedom. democratic party from the time of the new deal of until today the organizing philosophy has been justice. justice you have to have a baby government to enforce justice. but freedom really needs only a constitutional bill of rights, intelligent courts and restraint police force. riggins's republican party was organized around the concept of freedom that the individual was more important than the state and the privacy and the dignity of the individual work more important than anything else in this country it is the republican party drifted away from that in the last eight years and became an essentially the second big government party in america. and so, voters when faced with a choice between five real big government party in america, the democrats, or take the government in 2006 and in 2008 shows the big government party. i think the republican party -- if you look at this practically is that this is a nation of over 300 million people. it is vast, huge, diverse, and i think it is ver