our friends are a part of called the big -- >> big slick it's me, jason sudeikis, paul rudd, rob rigglemercy hospital, which is where i met my girlfriend. she's a nurse there -- >> seth: oh, that's fantastic. >> at children's mercy hospital. >> yeah. [ cheers ] yeah, clap for her [ cheers and applause but you've always been so supportive when will forte comes on the show, and all those guys, they all come to kansas city to support us and raise money we hope to break $10 million this year. >> seth: well, that's amazing. it's so great that you do that [ cheers and applause >> yeah, thank you >> seth: congrats on the 11th. >> thank you >> seth: always great to see you. >> thanks seth >> seth: thank you so much for being here, eric eric stonestreet, everybody. "the secret life of pets 2" opens in theatres june 7th we'll be right back with more "late night. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪you put your right arm in, you put your right arm out,♪ ♪you put your right arm in, and then you shake it all about♪ ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ ♪that's what it's all about. ♪you put you