all righgh scotty, put her in full reverse. full reverse, mr. kyle, all engines. sir! captain, we're doing it. we're pulling away! scotty, what happened? it's no good, sir. there's only a few systems responding. captain, we pulled away a little, but we gained... maybe an hour... but we blew almost every system in the ship doing it. there's nothing left to try again. i guess you'll have to fire me, sir. you're fired. 400 people... jim... they'll die because i couldn't see a warning sign. [gong sounds in distance] get back in there! a fine time to ring the dinner bell. get back in there now! bones, that's it. chekov: back in there. go. stayayith chekov. keep those people from feeding vaal. don't let them feed vaal! keep them in the hut. mr. spock. scscty, do you still have phaser power? aye, but what-- lock all banks on the coordinates of the energy field you located down here. on my command, commence firing on those coordinates. aye, sir, but they won't penetrate that force field. if my guess is correct, they won't have to. stand by. please. in energ readings are getting