first thing as my colleague just said, this is a down payment on the problem, good step in the rightirection, and it is a huge cultural change to this institution. both parties got us in this mess . both parties are going to have to work together to get us out of this mess. and the real problem, i would add, mr. speaker, is the fact that we spend way more money than we take in. we have to address that. to my friends on the left, i think they would like to take comfort in the fact the way the spending cuts are designed. to my friends on the right, we are cutting spending. we have been trying to get discretionary caps in law for years. i have been here for 13 years trying for it every year, and this is the first time. the last time we werin the majority, we couldn't get it in the republican congress, now we are getting discretionary caps. that is a big achievement. number two, we newsed to sne these in budget resolutions and now it's in here in plain sight. and what are we doing? we are actually cutting spending while we do thi that's cultural. that's significant. that's a big step in the righ