riley beauvais, dr. beauvais. thanks for coming on the show. thanks so much for having us.o the supreme court ruling overturned roe v wade, and now half the states are either banning or making a very very difficult to get an abortion, but the health impact is bigger than that. what is it that you and your neurology colleagues are worried about that's exactly right. so our concern is really that the abortion ban will have much broader implications for a patient population for a research and neurology and our practice and there's really implications with respect to reproductive rights in general and bodily autonomy and how that will influence decisions about neurological treatments made between a patient and their doctor and so we wanted to invite our fellow neurologist. select on what is at stake in our field and for our patients by this reversal of roe v wade, so an article you wrote mentioned the very real possibility of women not being prescribed certain drugs that they would typically get if they had ms or migraine or epilepsy talk about why that may be what is the fear?