for an episode of "tucker carlson today" we spoke to riley gains about what that was like.she tells us about the moment she learned about leah thomas. we will be right back. we were told, super young, that you have to be tough, you have to be macho in a male perspective. you feel like, you know, you're not able to open up and, you know, be vulnerable with your feelings, you know what i mean. you have this idea of this machismo, right? like that you have to always be the toughest, the strongest. for me as a man, it's about opening up. not feeling too macho to tell someone how you're feeling when you're feeling down. opening up your heart and sharing with other people the way that you're feeling. i have a twin sister who, when i'm sad, i call her and talk to her and we normally have the same feelings. i face time, my grandchildren. that always seems to kind of give me a boost, even when you're having your darkest moments. kicking the stigma means talking about it. it's something that a lot of people go through. it's normal. nothing's wrong with you. and in fact, come join us