by day, rima husseini is a lawyer, university lecturer, and a passionate advocate for found that the corruption has eaten up the lebanon that we've known, and we're all trying so hard to save it. adam: rima has deep connections to lebanon's troubled past. ♪♪♪ adam: her father-in-law, cofounder of the shia movement amal, brokered the talks that ended the civil war in 1990. rima was at his side as translator. both dance teacher and student lost their fathers to political violence. ♪♪♪ adam: rima's father was shot dead, walking to the post office. ♪♪♪ adam: the father of her teacher, mayssa, was a prominent journalist, targeted because of his investigative reporting. rima: my father was killed by a sniper, but her loss was even more dramatic. her father was actually assassinated by a car bomb in front of their own eyes, and that was political assassination. adam: rima says 30 years on from the war, the same old men are still entrenched in power and destroying her beloved beirut. ♪♪♪ rima: it's not the city who did this to us. it's actually men that has turned it into th