my name is rima rossi, and my d. j. m. at niagara, i became in d j because i love music. now my favorite hobby has become my profession, gave her a husband for the murder. all my fascination for electronic music, her just kept crying. i had to make a decision about her. and so i took the plunge blue, awkward, which way, which way on frontier and hug money enough here. instead of walking and communications. and i'm now d jane on the road. don't go which way, which way i play out 2 to 3 times a week to have. i always put on music with her and try my new mixes on the audience . no, that's not using her. mom chris, you know, monitor and nothing says in, oh, you only did of my audience once something special and men are everywhere or girl. their homes are lee. oh. and i can see how special it is right in front of me active there. your little because we're in this profession, you can read directly or that are in the eyes of the audience, has 3 month or any happy i to the not really how much she from the recognize and admire women's skills and talents in the world of electronic