rinat gareev dmitry timofeev alexander cherkasov lead. it is, it's time for the revelation jeffrey sachs, a scientist from the medical journal the lancet, said i'm convinced that the virus originated from american biotechnology. they are from nature. this is a bio weapon that was invented americans jeffrey sachs says that it could be accidental, but this is little consolation. this is a gross biotechnological blunder, and not a disaster of natural origin, the americans, in every possible way, concealed the artificial origin of the coronavirus. and love something talked about it was exposed to ridicule. believe me, mistakes happen in the world's best laboratories creating a virus without any sign of human intervention. not such a difficult task. less people more oxygen. so decided the secret billionaires rulers of the world a year and a half ago we released an investigation. under the name chimera, where they said that the coronavirus was of artificial origin, then we were all pecked. this has now been confirmed by jeffrey sachs. will it b