. -- ringgold, in terms of what is being done on improving the public realm in those alleyways. we're trying to create an application that would go to the committee challenge grant program that would look at actual, let's say, artistic sort of elements in those alleyways that would be part of the public realm.. the second speaker that of like to introduce is professor gail ruben, an associate professor of anthropology and a women's studies at the university of michigan, and she is currently a visiting fellow at the center for advanced study -- study in behavioral sciences at stanford university. gail has been extraordinarily helpful in looking at the rich array of lgbt yosources in the committee in the south of market. she is an extraordinary scholar in many respects, and she has perhaps one of the most comprehensive, outside of perhaps the formal museum for that community and a library. she has an incredible collection of materials associated with the long and rich community for lgbt in the south of market, and it is a marvel to see. is on an alley in the south of market where