. -- rather worse than ringo starr. i do more irish now. i live in ireland, so i played fiddle, and i still played guitar, and i have drums and played various little things. tavis: let me close on this. ireland is a place of much political mayhem. >> and economic mayhem. tavis: and we have some of that here now, political mayhem and economic mayhem, and this week has been all about the democratic convention this week and last week the republican convention, and we have been talking about that every night except for tonight with jeremy irons. >> i am very glad i am not a politician, because i think it is one step away from the gates of hell being a politician. a nightmare, a nightmare, but i do have views about where we have gone terribly wrong, and i think we are just at the start of a huge economic revolution, which i think has really not get this country yet, but which we are going through in europe, where we realized unrestrained capitalism is a highway to nowhere, and it does not protect the population as it should, and we have to compl