continue what i trust are your good patterns of citizenship but to be part of an army of americans two rinker rich others, particularly younger americans to do likewise. this democracy was never intended to be a spectator sport. never an activity limited to a few be the spirit of democracy by its nature is participatory and available to all americans who are willing to pay the price of developing the competencies' and self-confidence to be effective citizens. thank you. [applause] question and this? >> last week i went to a county commission meeting and the commissioner was lying and nobody said anything. i was recalling how was going to come see you and you were on the colbert show and nancy pelosi have the same problem with the cia saying they told her what was going on about the iraq war but she said no. they did not tell me and you also concurred with her but i never heard in a news she was cleared. everybody says nancy pelosi, but i wonder if you had any comments about what to do when they lie? >> you need to start before the lightyear shows that. my dad was in the dairy business and alw