nestled into the hills of the quiet little town of ojai is where you'll find the rio gozo farm. "rio," which means river in spanish, and "gozo," which means joy, is run by former chef and now full-time farmer john fonteyn. and if you watch him work long enough, you'll realize just how much gozo is actually flowing around these parts. >> good morning. >> you, too. how are you all? i mean, my first love qith food wap really preparing food and cooking it. i just kind of felt like since food was a relationship i'm gonna have my whole life, and one i check in with 3 times a day, that it'd be good to really kind of explore it deeper. >> and john gets to explore his love f@r food every day, now across 3 1/2 acres of various real crops at the farm. he picks squashes and packs the produce from sunrise to suown and has built a connectiob not only to food but his local community, too. he operates a thriving community supported agriculture business, delivering to homes and offices. in addition, he's struck up relationships with local chefs like tim kilcoyne at the sidecar restaurant in downt