i understand some congressmen, maybe even congressman riquita. are not giving it to congress, they're not giving it to me, not giving it to mcdonald's usa or the franchises they're suing. and this is something one would only believe about russia or venezuela or cuba. you wouldn't believe in the united states you would be charged with breaking a law. and you wouldn't have the rationale to see why. now, something else they're doing is again, right before christmas, they brought out this quickie election law which says elections for union representation have to be held within eight days. well in the past it was 30 days, and part of the 30 days was taking up, looking for the bargaining unit. which group of people are applicable to join this union. and these people were invited to vote for or against the union, whatever they chose. well, they decided, the nlrb has decided they're going to vote first and then decide who is eligible later. isn't that a great idea? well, the two -- the two commissioners the republican nlrb members wrote in a dissent from